Monday, April 8, 2013

MTC - Week 5!

Dear Mom,

Your email today could not have made my heart any happier!  I can't tell you enough how much I love you.  So first off, they are building a temple in CEDAR CITY!!!!!  Hi, I'm pretty sure I cried tears of joy and thought of how happy you had to have been all day!!  How cool was that for you to be in the Conference building while that was being announced.  This morning at the temple we did initiatories, and I thought of sweet grandma doing them at the St. George temple.  She was sad that there wasn't a temple in Cedar then, but I know how happy she is about the announcement!  As I looked at the sweet older ladies while I was waiting in line, I felt grandma there with me.  I felt her sweet love to me.  She loved me so much, and I am thankful that I am able to feel her presence throughout my days.  And, just to share.... this morning was one of the most incredible mornings at the temple.  Since being here, I have developed an even greater appreciation for temple work.  I took the family names that I printed off in January and finished the last two.  Seriously, as I did them I sat there in awe at the peace I had in my heart.  Family work is so important!  I love doing others work, but there is something so special about searching for someone who has passed on to complete a beautiful work for them.

So I did get to see that Missionary special edition after the Sunday morning conference session!!  It was so cool seeing my friends on there!  I see my friends everywhere seriously at the MTC, and I love it.

Did you love Conferencia general?!!  Pretty much it was the best thing of my whole life.  I feel spiritually uplifted for a good six months.  I had soooo many favorite talks, but one that I especially loved was Elder Holland's in the Sunday afternoon session.  The man says, "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief".  That is all we need in life.  We need some belief and we can go off of that.  He told about the boy that said, "I know that church is true, but I don't know for sure - but I do believe it".  Elder Holland teared up as he said, belief is all you need.  I reflected on it and asked myself what my belief was.  I am amazed at the way that my testimony of knowledge has developed into conversion.  I know that this is true.  We all have so much more faith than we know.  Think about it when you pray at night, you know that Heavenly Father is there and through faith he will answer your prayers!  I don't think I'll ever look at Easter the same after my mission.  Christ gave everything to us.  And I get to use His Atonement daily.

I got my travel plans!!! I think I cried tears of joy.... the time is coming!!!  I am scared to death but so, so very ready for this time.  I leave next Wednesday (17th) and my flight leaves at 8:45-ish.  So I am leaving the MTC at 5 a.m. so expect a call from like 6-8:30 maybe?  I will try and figure out more about it and get back to you.  I love P-days too, mom!!!! I love your emails.  I have a more detailed letter than I am sending today to you so expect that in a few days.  I cannot wait to talk to you and dad next week!!!

This gospel is the best thing that has happened to me.  I am so thankful that I have this opportunity.  It is hard, but the work is so worth it.   Vale la pena - it's worth it!  You are in my thoughts always, beautiful!!  Thank you for everything!  I LOVE YOU!!!!
Love, Hermana Warner

Dear Dad, How did you like conference?  It was amazing for me.  I got to see that highlight at the MTC!  Dad, there are 65,634 missionaries- and I am one of them!  It is amazing.  And I am happy.  The spirit is dwelling in me and I hope it never leaves.  I'm not perfect and I won't ever be, but I am trying everyday. Prayer is so real and I know that Heavenly Father hears them every time. I had a moment of discouragement one day.  We taught one of our "investigators"  and I was so worried about how I was going to invite the spirit.  I prayed so hard to have these feelings relieved so I could teach with the blessings of the spirit.  It turned out to be one of the most awesome lessons I have ever had.  I felt the spirit so strong.  I shared a personal story to my investigator, Jose, about when I prayed to know God was there and opened my Book of Mormon to Alma 36:3.  I began to cry as I shared this story.  It was another testimony to me that what I was saying was true.  The Gospel is the most beautiful thing that we have on this earth.  My testimony in the last four weeks has grown incredibly.  I still have so much room for improvement, too.  But, my faith is there and that's all I need.  I layed in bed last night and thought to myself, the importance of attitude on a mission. My mission is dependent on my attitude.  It can go both ways.  I remember every day what Bryan told me before I left - wake up with a good attitude everyday and my mission will be 100% different than what it could be.  I realized I am here to do Heavenly Father's will.  I pray for my future investigators every night and I pray that Heavenly Father has prepared them to receive this bright and happy truth!  I have learned more than I ever could have at home.  Meaning, how to rely on the Lord, get along with others that you usually wouldn't, patience, love and most importantly, how much Heavenly Father truly loves me. A mission is a reminder of how much you love your family.  I am so thankful for you.  I love that I am able to say that my parents are my best friends.  The church is true - you know that more than anyone!  If you get a moment to write/type some mission experiences, I would love them.  I have been thinking about how I didn't ask you enough about your mission.  This work is amazing and I can't wait to get out there!  I am happy and content! Thank you for your wonderful example!  You are in my prayers forever.  I love you daddy!  Hermana Michelle

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